Continue your passion for cricket with the OPCC.
The OPCC had an incredible 2020/21 year, capped off with a finals win for the 2nd XI in March. Recently, the club appointed Justin Grant as lst X1 captain for season 2021/22 and we are looking forward to another successful year.
The Old Peninsula Cricket Club are always looking for new junior and senior players to join our teams, so if you love cricket just as much as we do, reach out to the club below and we’ll send you some more information.
The Committee is pleased to inform that we have officially ratified the change of name of our club from 'Peninsula Old Boys Cricket Club' to 'Old Peninsula Cricket Club'. This has been in the making for quite some time and now allows us to align with the name change of the Old Peninsula Football and Soccer Clubs.
We had a unanimous vote in favour of the name change by club members, which took place at the AGM on Tuesday 6th Oct (held online via Zoom). This means moving forward we will now be known as 'Old Peninsula Cricket Club' or 'OPCC'. We will still be known as 'The Pirates', nothing has changed there.
We look forward to the upcoming season ahead in our inaugural season as Old Peninsula Cricket Club.

For more information, head to the club’s website at or follow our socials below.
If you’re interested in joining the club, get in touch with:
Secretary: at